
Nice is Nice


Don't we just have so much to talk about today!

Let's start with yesterday, after I wrote this last entry.

By the way, the space bar on this keyboard is broken, so if stuff starts to run together, you're going to just have to suck it up, child.


So at the internet place I was at, which was run by a crazy french woman who didn't wear a bra, and continued to talk your head off in French even whenyou told her youdidn't understand. I started talking to this guy, who's name is Matt, and he's from Vancouver.

He was like, 'Well, what are you doing day? I leavetonight, do you want meto show you around Nice a bit?'

And thats exactly what we spent thewhole day doing!

Hewas super cool, he's been travelling for six weeks and hes not sure when he'll be going home yet. He and I went on a hike in the morning to this mountain above Nice, and then spent the day chilling on the beach and had a picnic at the park for dinner. We pretty much just hung out the whole day and relaxed, it was perfection. He reminds me alot of all my lovely buddies back home, he's really into skiing and.... wait for it.... photography!! He and I even had the same camera, so I got to show off and teach him a bunch of tricks, and we just had our cameras out all day and took photos. Awesome day ensued, really.

It was a great way to spend a day, especially since he kinda knew his way around and showed me some cool markets and the like. By the end of the day we were like old friends, especailly since we had so much in common. Another great person along the way, seriously. I've been really lucky.

So after meeting my first Canadian (Can you believe after two months I just met my first one?? Aussies keep telling me that all they meet is Canadians and no aussies. WEIRD) I went back tothehostel and met up with the rest of my forest.... Yes! I didn't get to take any photos, but when they send me some I will let you guys all see and tell you more about it. Let's just say we were a vision in green.

Also, we were walking down the street and there was a bunch of punk kids... I don't know if they were celebrating or not to be totally honest.

So, in the day of nationality devirginizing, when I went back to the hostel after partying with my first french men, I played cards for a couple hours with my first Irishmen! Their names were Billy and Neil... I include this fact because it just made them so much more Irish. Their accents were very soft though, so it was slightly disappointing. They were both from Cork.

So this morning I woke up to discover that I'd totally slept in. Last night there was a huge storm, PS. I didn't have time to shower, I had 20 minutes to check out and I had to rush to the train station. When I got there to book my ticket for the dodgy 12 hour day train, it was completely full, so I now have to go and get the night train tonight to Barcelona.

So after I find all this out, I am super sweaty, stinky, really hot from running around wearing my backpack, and I need to put my luggage somewhere. So I go to the station lockers... well, first you go through security, which is a bitch. When you get in there, the lockers cost 10� a day and you have to pay in change. To get all that change, you have to go and stand in the main forever long ticket line and hate your life for an hour. I eventually said eff it out of pure frustration and headed back to the hostel in hopes that Patrick could keep my stuff. Luckily he could, but shit what a morning!

THEN! The crazy french lady who has the cheapest internet I've ever seen was pissed off at me when she saw I was staying in the hostel above hers and wouldn't let me use her internet anymore!

So, now I am sitting in Nice, really smelly, looking horrible and wasting a day for a night train. And I can't go to the beach.

Oh! This morning I took one for the team and threw away my 'Gay Pride 2005' umbrella, which was bent and making me hate my life to carry around. It was just so huge!

Lovies to you guys, I'm going to eat the leftovers from our feast and wait out the day!

love, nicole 10:14 a.m.

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