
Human Kindness and Shower Love


Okay, I know we have some catching up to do.

WELL! The rest of my stay in Levanto was purely awesome. It was rainy, but I bought the world's sweetest, largest umbrella of all time. It's bigger than a baseball field, rainbow coloured, and could take out small car or large man. I spent alot of time with it these last few days.

Nothing really of major excitement happened, I spent alot of time eating delicious food (the best I've had in Italy so far) and hanging out with Kai. She's just a wonderful spirit, that woman. I had alot of fun just talking to her and hanging out. We went to La Spezia for the day, which is actually more cityish than I expected. Other than that, just alot of walking and doing my laundry by hand. I'm not complaining, though. I just love being in Levanto. It's SO comfortable and great.

Also, I caved in and collected rocks for Lola.

Oh, I bought a phone.

Anyways. Umm. Theres so much to say, I'm kinda like... flustered. Like this computer is a cute boy and I'm 13 again. He just looked at me and smiled. Ooh, he's so dreamy.

How's THAT for an analogy? I bet you're wondering what other websites I'm looking at while I update this one, aren't you?

So yesterday I took myself some trains to Ferrara, where I'm at now. I will save you all of the boring details, but I had to wake up at 5 am, only to miss my first train. But, because someone is looking out for me, it ended up working out even better than had I taken the train, so everything went beautifully.

Ferrara is a pretty big city, with about 130 000 people. But... man. I would reccommend it just for the people. I haven't been somewhere in Italy where the people have been this nice. Everyone is just so kind.

Between asking for directions and grocery shopping, I could have kissed about 3 people right on the mouth. But the real awesomeness of human kindness came when I had problems with my phone.

I had to go to a shop, and the couple who run it didn't speak English. I had a lot of trouble trying to explain to them what was going on, and this brilliant man came to my rescue. He seriously took over an hour out of his day to help me and translate back and forth. Without even a second thought. SO NICE. I was just... If I don't come back you guys, it's because I've decided to stay in Ferrara and surround myself with sweet people forever.

Oh, and my hotel! I'm staying at this pensione, and for �25 a night, I get MY OWN ROOM and half bath. Oh man, it's been AMAZING. And the shower! OH THE SHOWER!

It's like a whole freakin' room! A ROOM THAT I GET TO SHOWER IN! Like, it's bigger than my entire bathroom at home! With hotter water! And pressure! OH THE WATER PRESSURE! I can shave my legs. I can dance to my hearts content. I could shower with 8 other people if I wanted to. It's... oh man. I could stay here for the rest of my life, constantly showering. I'd be like Kramer in that one Seinfeld episode.

Enough about that. Well, not really, I could talk about it forever, but I'll spare you details of me in the shower.

Today I tried to go to Ravenna, which is famous in the art history world for it's mosaics. I studied it far too much. But, being a Saturday, I had missed all the trains, but really, that's okay. I've had a good day anyways. I adventured. I got some things done. Aka, I ate more food and wandered around alot.

Tomorrow, Padova. I get to see Carlos, whom has been raised to slight creeper status by the fact he's called me 7 times since I bought my phone. 7 times in two days! We don't even share a common language! How can you possibly talk to someone that much whom you can't understand??

Soon, I'll be engaged to him.

That little bit is just for Patrick. I know you all don't get it, but trust me, it's good.

So yes. I haven't gotten a hold of Nadia yet, but hopefully I will later tonight. If not, I'll just keep moving on up to the Cescon side of the family.

Lovies to all of you, hope you're doing simply fabulous!!

I will update more often, I promise. If it makes you feel better, I haven't written in my own journal in over a week. Awful.


love, nicole 5:42 p.m.

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