
Bright Green Nikes.

Oh deary me.

Well... It's raining. AGAIN. More.

Ummm, well. Sheesh. Yesterday, I was just plain exhausted. And not a very happy camper, either. After computer time, I talked to my Mommy, and I was considering either a) getting a train to London and flying to Glasgow, or b) going home. Have you noticed a slight trend here? My first night in a shitty place and all I want to do is go home. Just like Amsterdam!

Oh well. I survived. The hostel is actually really nice--- you get your own personal bathroom with a shower and everything, and the rooms only sleep three. AND you get huge lockers. It's pretty good.

After a very wet day yesterday, and an even wetter evening, I woke up this morning to... POP QUIZ!

a) rain.
b) cold and rain.
c) all of the above.
d) all of the above times about 10000.

Correct answer: D

So, it was pouring again, and seriously, you guys might think I'm complaining too much, but hell. It really puts a damper on my travelling style; that being wander and get lost to hopefully stumble on something beautiful.

So, I wake up, shower myself, put on makeup (!!!) and went to go and put on my shoes... only to find them absolutly soaked from yesterday still. They smelled of wet leather and stinky feet, and it was NOT cool at all. My only other option was my flip flops, so I braved it out and put them on.

Now, it wasn't a problem that my feet were soaking wet. Nor was it a problem that people were actually stopping on the street to point and laugh. (Not exaggerating or joking). The real problem was this:

Bologna's streets/sidewalks are made of marble! Just smooth, pink, marble slabs everywhere. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING SLIPPERY THOSE ARE IN THE RAIN???

I could barely walk. After about half an hour, my feet were cold, my steps were tiny, and my umbrella was broken.

Oh, thats right. My old, bright yellow buddy passed away today. I came out of the train station to open it off and the top umbrella part actually popped off like a cork! Right into the middle of the street! A girl and I had a good laugh about it--- the girl obviously laughed a little harder because it wasn't HER umbrella--- and I somehow fixed it. But, now it does close and fold up, so I'm not really sure what I'm going to do.

ANYWAYS. So I'm walking in the tiniest steps every on the wet marble slabs of expensive Bologna, and I couldn't take it anymore. The last two days were just too shitty. I walked into a shoe store--- six, count em, six ---people laughed at me, and they were all fancy overpriced boots and such. Don't want to carry those around. So I finally found an Athlete's World, and walked in there... disaster! I had to learn a bunch of shoe related Italian words, and at first the lady wouldn't even help me because I probably looked like I was homeless and crazy; I was, afterall, laughing to myself at my shitty, shitty luck.

So I found a pair of cheap shoes and I actually really liked, and guess what?? Not my size! Well, holy shit balls, do you think I could find a pair of shoes that were under a 100 Euros, that I actually liked, and I could wear around all the time? No. I finally found one pair in my size (well, the lady did, with some struggle because I didn't know the word for socks, or what she was talking about) and they are... well... they are bright green. Blinding, bright green Nikes. They look great with my umbrella, but that is about it.


After that, the rain was just too much and I called it a day. I didn't get to see much of Bologna at all- I didn't have a map and the rain made everything look horribly ugly, anyways. Also, my pants were soaked all the way up to my knees from various splashing cars and the like.


But, all is okay. I'm counting down the days to Barcelona, praying for the rain to stop, and trying to enjoy the fact I get my own bathroom. The amount of clothes I'm wearing right now is somewhat rediculous, and it's almost hard to bend my arms in order to write on the keyboard. I must be quite a sight today.

ALTHOUGH, I am having a great hair day. I though I'd add that little bit of silver lining before you all jump off a tall building in honour of my current rain induced depression.

Patrick. I'm really trying. I swear. But this isn't Scotland rain. This is a while other level of rain that I've never seen before. The roads in Bologna were like lakes!

I hope you guys are healthy and happy. Let's all hope life picks up over the next few days!!


love, nicole 1:46 p.m.

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