

Hey everyone!

Just a quickie, because I have a few minutes here on the internet.

Things have been going very good, aside from all the rain. It's been raining just SO MUCH. I think pretty soon I'm going to have to take one for the team and buy some more winterish clothes, it's only 8 degrees during the day around here. Chillllllly.

The rain kind of put a damper on things today, so I took myself out for a delicious, big Italian lunch and spent a lot of time wandering the streets with my sweet bright yellow umbrella. I shall take a picture to document it for you all, so when I get home you can see it. Because I know you all want to. Badly. Last night was pretty fun, I met this guy named Tim from London, and we hung out. We went to a bar and had a few beer. He's just starting his trip, he's on week two coming up, and he's cycling around Italy for a month. He kind of had a bad experience starting off, aswell, so we had lots of laugh about. I think my favorite thing that has been said in Italy so far happened last night:

'You know when you're just not in the mood for a talking parrot?'


I think that is perfect, just the way it is, completely out of context.


I've decided to stay Friday night in Modena, and on Saturday, I start in Florence. Should be interesting!! Wish me luck guys, I have no idea what to expect for these hostels coming up. Hopefully, they will be as great as Menaggio.

I think I should probably call it quits here on the internet, but I love you all lots and lots and I hope everything is going beautifully for you.

My mom emailed me today, apparently they are going to Flordia. WHAT?? You know, you're gone for only a month and suddenly you're room is getting painted, the dog doesn't remember you, your family is heading to Flordia... What is this world coming to??

Ciao Ciao, I'll write more about the last few days when I have the time. Lovies!!

love, nicole 3:37 p.m.

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