
Bella Bellagio.

Ciao All!

Well, I'm here in Bellagio, and it's raining my face right off! Talk about wet weather. Scotland wasn't even this rainy. I think it's following me. Actually, I swear it's following me.

So... I met this girl, named Puna, and she's from Germany. She speaks Italian, understands English, and is fluent in German. Oh man. She is just too much! She just talks in broken Italian and I reply in English, and together we simply laugh in the right places and drink beer. She is actually very funny. Today, she decided that I should come for a ride in her car to get gas.... it turned into a four hour trip to Como, to a mall, shopping, lunch, and meeting her friend for coffee. I escaped this afternoon and took the ferry to Bellagio. Of course, it was starting to get sunny until I decided to come here... then it rained.

You guys, I caved and bought an umbrella. Thats how rainy!

Today has been pretty good, I don't think I'm quite over the sore throat--- either that, or it's the fact this girl smokes like a chimney. Not sure. It was a change from the norm today, anyways, and she's moving to Lenno tomorrow, so I have someone I can contact here if I happen to come back.

As for everything else... I don't know what to tell you! There is snow on the Swiss Alps here, so everytime the clouds slightly part, it's a very cool view. And man... I just can't get over the tourists in Bellagio! So many Americans! And people talking about George Clooney! It's almost... ruined it for me. But, at the same time, it's just as beautiful as it was before, so I shouldn't complain.

I talked to Patrick this morning on the phone. He claimed that the reason there are so many tourists is because they all saw my painting of Bellagio... See, it's comments like that that keep him around.

So far, no cockroaches in my bed, and my dorm room is pretty sweet because: a) It's got a sink, mirror and such; and b) there's only me and Puna staying in the whole hostel. Well, actually, I think there might be a young couple and their baby. But aside from that, just us. And after tonight, just me. Ieeee!

Tomorrow, I plan for Florence and possibly take a ferry to Varenna for the day. I pretty much have to find something to do, as the hostel is closed from 10-4, but this rain is really putting a damper on my aimless wandering plans. That's okay though. I'm relaxed, I'm in Italy, and I've got almost a whole face.

Life is beautiful!

love, nicole 3:41 p.m.

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