
Viva Italia!

Ciao Ciao!!!

Well! Here I am, my first *real* entry from Italy. I don't have very long, but I will try to update you the best I can. A big thank you to Patrick for updating my journal, aswell. He is good, ain't he? I hate myself for just saying ain't.


My bus from Amsterdam to Milan was 22 hours long and seriously--- fantastic! I met some of the most beautiful people, including two girls from Brazil whom were absolutly hilarious and soooo kind, and aswell, a guy named Carlos, from Cameron, who helped me times a million in Milan. He could speak French and Italian, and a little English, while myself the opposite... it made for a very interesting conversation. For 10 hours he and I conversed in an awkward English/French/Italian combination that left my head ACHING. But, the reason I mention it is this... My Italian is getting better, along with my French, and my English is just UNREAL.

I spent the last five days with my cousins and family in Italy. It was so great you guys. I wish I could expand on it more, because, really, it was fantastic. Conversation was a bit of a struggle, but all in all we got through it and had a great time. I had so much fun with Dorina, Enza and Olivia. And my Zii were just.... so kind and awesome. My cousins were also great- I had alot of fun trying to converse with them, especailly with Zia Antionetta's(spelling is VERY bad here, I know)son Gino and his little daughter Rebecca. They are among my favorites!! Yes, I pick and choose favorites with my family, thank you. My family is Italy is all very happy, especailly Zia Fernanda with her new man there.

Friends, I'm throwing in these little details for my family. I know you have no idea what I'm talking about. Suck it up.

Anyways. All in all, fantastic. Very much fun. I am so lucky I got to meet up with the Canadian crew, and I hopefully will again in Florence and possibly encora in Rome.

You guys, my Italian is already better than when I was here the last time. I think that I just need more confidence and I could get by a little easier. Just so you all know. Haha.

Ummm, what else before I have to call it a day here?

Oh, Milan and Lago Di Como-- POURING RAIN. It is so wet. I should thank Scotland for getting me used to this shite weather. Thank you, Scotland.

I took a bus and ferry today from Milan to get here, and there is a major change here from three years ago. There are SO many tourists here now. So, so many. It's crazy. Belaggio is getting huge, in terms of tourists. Also, George Clooney is the talk of the town here, thats all I heard about all week! Apparently, he is going crazy and had alzheimers or something, so the people of Como want him out. He's QUITE the topic of conversation right now on Italian TV. I thought all you guys would like to know that, too.

Ummmmm.... Oh! I met some really cool people today while on the ferry and prior to it. They were from Australia, and very much a pleasure to talk to. It helped me avoid this Italian ferry worker that took a liking to me... and unfortunately lives in Menaggio. DANGIT. I should have not spoken Italian at the ticket center. As this one older man said to me while we were waiting for the ferry, 'You and I are the same... we speak enough Italian to get us into trouble.' He was from Oregon, and here searching for his family roots.

I'm a wealth of just random, shitty information today, aren't I? Soon, soon, I will write something better. Promise. I just have so much to catch up on! It's mindboggling.

I guess I should inform you all that my trip has improved so much from Amsterdam. So, so much. I'm so lucky, it's all just so surreal, all the places I've been already! I can't even believe I'm not even halfway through my stay. I also, at the same time, can't believe i've been gone for a month already! Crazy town. Just crazy.

I love all you guys, and I'm thinking of all of you times a million. I hope you're all safe and sound, loving life, and spending alot of time in your Nicole Shrines, praying and remembering me.

Lovies. So, so much. I've got a computer right now, so I will hopefully update again soon.

Day trips galore this week!! Hopefully, alot of photos, too. That is, if the weather clears up. Walking in the rain SUCKS!

love, nicole 5:29 p.m.

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