
Amsterdam Vacation 2

For a majority of my update, I'm simply going to copy and paste from the email I sent my mom. Lazy, is what this is called.

' just checked into my new hostel. I'm having... FUN. As soon as I finished writing the last email to you, I went and sat down at the old hostel at one of the tables and looked at a map. There was a guy sitting there, [I had seen him in the morning and checked him out repeatedly, he was GORGEOUS, a nice bonus] and anyways... he initiated conversation. He is from France and just met up with a friend last night. His friend was really jet lagged so he was letting him sleep the whole day. Anyways, we talked about lots of things, where we were both from [he's been to BC and such] and he was very very nice. It was so good to have a conversation with someone genuinely nice again. It felt great. Anyways. I had a bit of a walk ahead of me and he was very bored, so he decided to join me for the walk to the new hostel. So we did the 30 minute walk together, which was very nice to have company and good conversation. It felt great to meet someone genuine.

So I checked into this hostel... oh my god. A MILLION times better. I'm actually... HAPPY. Like, I'm estatic. The rooms are single gendered this time, and they are clean, have a sink in them and everything, a locker in the room, and I get a bottom bunk this time around. Fantastic. Outside each set of rooms there is a lounge [one for girls, one for boys], with even a place to charge up batteries and such. Now, you have to understand that for my iPod last night in the other hostel, I had to go and sit in a dirty sick badly lit basement and just sit there between bikes to do it. [With the black man, an added detail for Tyler.] The cafe here is great, the staff and people are so much nicer and welcoming (it's a christian hostel, ps) and they have a great outdoor patio and everything. And the part of town is beautiful and welcoming, too. I'm not scared at all. There are grocery stores and it's near the Anne Frankhuis. The canals are smaller and nicer, and the area itself is mostly residential. And it's not on the outskirts of the red light district, either, like the last one. It's in this area of Amsterdam called The Jordaan, which is beautiful. I really wish I could have stayed the whole time here already, and I've only been here not even an hour.

I am much happier. They even helped me locate a doctor-- it will cost me 25 euro to go and whatever for the perscription, but whatever.'

Okay, enough emailing copy pasting.

The moral of this story is:

The new hostel is absolutly great, SO clean, the beds are bigger and beautifuler, the food is cheap and tasty, the staff is WONDERFUL, and the location is great. Like... my trip just did a huge turn around.

Yesterday I wandered around and took photos, and also sadly finished off my book. Again. Eff, I wish I was dislexic so I could keep a book for longer than a couple days. Did I just say that?

I ended up going to this 'artistic music thing, if you have faith...' [which I never once questioned because I was bored and just decided to go along] and it was actually a Christian worship music service type deal. Bizarre, we were in an attic and there was just lots of people with guitars, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't very long, either, and it also got me out of the hostel. Christian Hardcores do scare me a little bit, though. I will admit that. Whatever, I won't hold it against them. All in all, I had a good day yesterday.

Today it's raining, making me feel like I'm in Scotland. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, thank god.

Okay, yesterday I went on a Cranberry juice hunt. IT DOES NOT EXIST HERE. The closest thing I got was Apple Cran [the only cranberry product in 4 stores], with 8% Cran in it, and it did actually help a little bit. But only for a moment. Maybe I shouldn't have drank the whole litre at once. Yes. My lunch yesterday was a litre of CranApple juice. I am sweet!

The rest of today is just for roaming around, I think, I'll go to a cafe and just hang about probably. I might go to the Anne Frankhuis, too, or I could save that so I have something to do tomorrow. It's hard filling my days here while trying not to spend too much money. I haven't even been partying or anything [I'm saving that for Olivia] and I'm *STILL* spending money. Man, being cultured is tough.

Lovies to all of you, and I'm sorry, but I keep on forgetting to send out messages to the Notifylist. I will start again. I promise.

Face Update: Washed it completely yesterday for the first time. Didn't hurt too much. Applied ointment today. Healing outlook: Possibly scarring with slight discoloration of wound location.

Black Man Update: Haven't seen him since. Nor have I watched The Prince of Egypt again.


love, nicole 12:38 p.m.

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