

Hi Guys...

A quick update. The whether is still kinda crappy, but thats okay by me-- this bladder infection is killing me. I'm so glad everyone knows about it so I may talk openly now about my pee.

I also have mysteriously gained myself some very swollen glands, and a sore throat, so who knows whats up. Certainly not me. All in all, I'm not feeling too hot, so Amsterdam is taking a rainy back seat right now while I sit and read horrible woman books that I bought yesterday at an English bookstore.

Today, I go to the doctor. Tomorrow?? Bus to Milan. Dear Lord. Wish me luck, guys.

And Mom, where the heck are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. Sheesh. Already I've been forgotten... :P

Love you guys!

love, nicole 2:47 p.m.

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