

What? Another entry the very next day??

Thats right! It's happening!

Excited yet?

It's just a quicky, though, to inform you of all the exciting things that have happened in the last [less than] 24 hours.

Now I bet you're even more excited. Let's say excited one more time. EXCITED.

So, on our list today:

1. Barcelona

Patrick and I have officially made plans [when I say official, oh boy, I'm talking official--- hotel and everything. This is a bigger deal to me than you think] to go to Barcelona together, the first week of November! I am *So* happy about this. It's going to be pretty fantastic, especailly since I know I'll be missing Patrick to the mega, so it will be great to see him again. And, it's always nice to have someone along with you in a foreign place.

So, let's all let out a big sigh of happiness together. Ready? 1... 2... 3...


I just don't know who is going to babysit the lovefish!

2. Photos!

Finally, I know.

I've started a [very imcomplete] photo album--- the link is on the left there. I don't have many photos up yet, but I'll be sure to upload a bunch more before I leave Scotland. There's a few goodies right now, though, so enjoy!

I made all my of galleries password protected, but it's super easy to access--- the password is the url to this diary--- ncadventure . So just type that bad boy in and you'll be able to see all the goodness!!


I think thats about it. Days just keep getting better here--- I don't want to leave. *sigh*

I don't have anything particularly exciting to inform you about--- today was a pretty chill day. I planned a bunch for Amsterdam and wandered around by myself for a good 5 hoursish. I'm pretty boring.

To liven things up, here's a picture of Patrick after he found Jesus. His hit
gospel album is expected to be released in 2007....

love, nicole 10:48 p.m.

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