
Catching Up!

I would like to start this entry off with a little bit more gore:

Okay, it doesn't actually look like that still. It's more crusty and such. But lets tell you about the last few days! I'm sorry about putting this entry off so much. Really, I know I should be updating more.


Myself and my rockface spent it hibernating, afraid to show our hideousness to the world. Patrick brought me a rhubarb tart and I honestly watched DVD's all day while tending to my disfigurement.

He left for a while to Glasgow and returned with more The League of Gentlemen DVD's, a the UK version of Finding Nemo. He. Is. My. Favorite.


On Friday, Patrick and I went up to Fort William, a 4 hour train ride... up to the highlands. We even woke up nice and early to get there! Impressive, no?

It was my first day out in public with the rock/half face. Only a few people looked at me, and I didn't feel TOO bad. I mean, i was pretty proud of myself. After a train rides worth of whincing and ooze dabbing, and man and his wife inquired as to what happened. Now, the day before, Patrick had been a dear and bought me a plethora of various medicated ointments, but nothing with quite cutting it like poly/neosporin. One of them was bright pink when applied, which made me want to hermit in the house for the rest of my life. Anyways. They, like everyone else I had talked to [With the exception of Patrick, who unfortunately doesn't know the brilliance of neosporin] recommended the magical medication. I informed them with regret that they don't actually make it here....

Well!! Weren't they just the nicest people in the world and after a little chat, they went to their luggage and retrieved half a tube of neosporin for me! The man made me make TWO promises. 1- That I would use the whole tube, and, 2- That I was under strict rules NOT TO PICK THE WOUNDS. Patrick also made me promise to him, so now I am not picking and healing my little heart away! It's over the, quote, 'cheesy' look. Here. Have a look at it on Thursday: [also a favorite picture]

Anyways. The whole ride to Fort William, the weather had been beautiful, and we got some great photos while on the train. As soon as we actually got to Fort William and started walking around... it started raining. And raining. We took a cable car up to the top of the ski hill, Nevis Range, which is where they had the MTB World Cup last week. Dad and Evan--- you guys would have loved it. Anyways. It was still raining, so we had some lunch at the lodge there and once the weather cleared up a bit, hiked around to the top of some hillsies and took photos. Oh, by the way, incase you guys haven't picked it up yet, Patrick is just as much of a photo nerd as myself. Which is why I will be marrying him. Done and done.

We wandered and headed back home, and had all in all an absolutly great day. I mean... it was just great. I liked the town, it was along the water, and the views from the top of the mountain were beautiful. I was very happy I got out of the house and not too many people laughed at me--- I even made a new Georgian friend [Neosporin Godsents were from outside Atlanta.] I'm trying to think of anything else important, but it's hard without Pat here to help me out. Dang him and his work. Oh, just so you guys know, he took last week off so we could hang out. VERY nice of him. Delight. SO yeah, great day, filled with alot of fun and beautiful scenery.

Patrick and I were also particularily hilarious. I don't think we stopped laughing all day. OH!!!

And we saw some sheep on the top of the mountain, too. I believe I recapped my day to my parents on the phone as: 'So yeah, I saw some sheep and got neosporin.'

Enough said there, I think.

I believe this was also the day that Patrick was making fun of me so much that before bed, I made a list of all the mean things he had said to me that day. Some of them included telling me that I 'shouldn't worry about meeting my sister and mum, I have plenty of pictures to show them of you from about three months ago... when you were attractive'. That wasn't even the worst of it, folks. THEN, I called my house to complain about him and get the required sympathy for my poor hurt feelings--- and my parents PARTICIPATED IN THE MOCKING! Seriously, what a horrible day.... my life was hurting. Buggers, all of you!

Patrick and I haven't quite caught up on our photos yet from this last week, but heres the only one we have from Friday online:

He called it 'The Demon of Aonoch Mor'. Jerk.


Saturday was another absolutly fabulous day--- I think it was one of my favourites. It wasn't very adventurous, but still fantastic.

After a good sleep in, Patrick and I went to meet his wee sister, Annie, for lunch in West Glasgow. She is Excellent!! She's so happy and excited about everything, lunch was a great time and I really really enjoyed meeting her. She is officially better than Patrick, and next time I will be going to Scotland to see her... Juuuust joking. But really, it was very fun. And lunch was tasty, too. Mmmm. AND the face wasn't looking so bad--- although, the entirety of the McGuire family, with the exception of Patrick, has millions of sympathy for my face, and all blame him for my current half-face. See? This is why I like Scotland. ;)

So, after lunch, Patrick and I took a big wander to Elderslie [I don't actually know how to spell this, so we're winging it.] which is outside of Paisley, and where Patrick's Mom lives. We had to go and pick up some things, so on our way there we took a walking tour with lots of childhood stories. It was great fun! I have to say I really enjoyed learning little stories from Patrick about growing up, and having a place to put the ones that he had already told me. Although I was terrified of meeting his Mum, she drove us back to Paisley and was very nice to me--- we even made fun of Patrick [behind is back] in the car when it was just the two of us. Two thumbs up.

Oh, and on our way to his Mum's house, we stopped at the William Wallace memorial and 'his house' [the remnants of a stone house which I was informed wasn't actually HIS house]. That was exciting--- mostly because we pretended to be William Wallace and his wife [aka played house] in the house and Patrick said the phrase, 'I will be back soon, I have some skin for my Mum to iron.'

THIS was also a day of our utmost hilarity. Seriously, I don't know how the world was funny prior to our union. We've made the world so much funnier. Stick with us kids, we're great entertainment.

Oh, and we went to Mass, ate pizza after and.....

Watched Finding Nemo with Lola!! Here's a picture of our little family.

And here is a picture of Lola herself!

Isn't she beautiful??


Sunday, Patrick went and played football, while I lazed about and attempted planning my trip a little bit. We went for lunch at the coffee shop, and then went to a pub to watch the Celtic game on TV. [They won.] I officially have absorbed more football knowledge in the last two weeks than ever before in my life, even when the world cup was on. I have been a very keen student, and Patrick an excellent teacher. He's even taught me Bigotry 101, being various religious based slurs which football fans shout out to eachother at games. Yes, I have learned much, dear grasshopper. Soon, the student will become the teacher.

After that, we came back home, hung about, watched some Eddie Izzard, played with photos and had a jolly great afternoon. I think that about sums it up.


Today, Patrick had to actually go back to work. Weird.

So, I met up with him for lunch, and he wandered me about and gave me some ideas of things I could do on the RAINIEST DAY EVER. Seriously, when I left Paisley this morning to get on the train, it was RETARDED. Gail winds! Cows flying past me in the air! Babies crying! People getting blown down the street! Rain! Rain! Rain! I started off the day with a smile, and by the time I got to the actual train station, my face was Pouty McCentral. But, lunch was delicious, and I had a great afternoon.

I went to The Willow Tea Rooms, which is a tearoom designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, and spent a couple hours loving life, reading, and listening to music. A great way to spend a rainy afternoon. I then went to The Lighthouse, which is a temporary exhibition venue for architecture and design. I saw some great things, listened to some great music, learned even more about Mackintosh [which was cool because I studied alot of his work first year], and fell in LOVE with the Marimekko exhibition. I climbed up to the very top of the tower at the lighthouse [i was the only one, i was up there for nearly half an hour], and looked out on Glasgow. I loved it. It was raining, the air smelled good, I was all alone, crazy high up, and just so.... satisfied. I was very content to be there. This afternoon was just so relaxed and peaceful and comfortable. Well, this whole day was. Glasgow [well, atleast some parts of it] are becoming incredibly familiar and increasingly friendly. I like knowing where I'm going and being able to just wander with increased confidence. I really like it here.

Guys, I might not come home.


love, nicole 4:59 p.m.

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