
Edinburgh Escapades.


It's your darling favorite Nicole, with a sidekick today. I'm trying to think of a great name to call him that ISN'T Patrick or P-Diddy, but hell, you can't expect me to be creative all the time, can you? So P-Diddy it is. Poor, poor Patrick.

ANYWAYS! We're going to write about our latest escapades, being... Edinburgh! Oh, we also made out ALOT, Mom and Dad. Actually, the Celtic game was a lie. We just made out that whole afternoon.

HA! GOT YOU! Suckers!

Shit, this is already a bad entry. Patrick's fault. He keeps making out with me... HA! Again! I'm SO on today!

Okay, first things first though, I have to say thanks to everyone for leaving little messages, they are seriously making my little day over here.

Next! Yesterday!

The day promised much in terms of kilt sighting, the weather was BEAUTIFUL, and we started off the day with a package from MELANIE!!! Holy crap that made me so happy. Melanie, Hick of The Year 2005, sent me a t-shirt AND matching landyarn from Alberta's Mormon Capital, the town of Raymond. Delight. Seriously. It was even better when I walked in from a shower and feasted my eyes on HIM. In the shirt. Hilarity ensued. So did pictures. I'm still working that whole thing out.

So we got our little bodies in gear and took a train to Edinburgh. [By the way, I officially LOVE Edinburgh. Favorite Scotland place so far.] This trip was made even better with some iPod swapping--- Patrick's music is all... grown up. I felt so old. Where as mine is all.. Okay, so halfway there, Patrick takes out the earphones and looks at me somewhat awkwardly and says, "Umm, I think I'm learning Italian now." Turns out I had some Italian language tutorials on my iPod and when it came time to shuffle songs, there they were. Music with Nicole is both fun AND educational!!

First, we went along Cockburn street. Sorry, I just had to add that in, because it made me SO happy. I laughed for about ten minutes. We then took a rather poorly directed trip to Greyfriar's Bobby. We went to look for it for two reasons. 1. We had a surprise for Durty. 2. The story is so cute. Greyfriar's Bobby: The master died, and the dog sat by his grave until the dog himself died.... 14 years later. So the people of Edinburgh payed a tribute to the puppers by making a statue across the street from Greyfriar's grave.

We then went up to the castle and toured our little hearts out. I highly suggest Patrick as a tour guide--- not only does he know A LOT of history, but if he doesn't know it, I think he just makes it up. And I believe every word. Unless it's in regards to coats of arms, then I strut my knowledge with no regard for anything else. I showed up P-Diddy yesterday, let me tell you. We also saw the crown jewels ANNNND the stone of destiny and other neat little tricks. Oh, we went to a creepy prison, too. Trust me. if you could see my face right now, you'd know how that was. Bah.

Then, we had a Realllllly tasty meal (Patrick ate duck, which is like being a cannibal in my eyes) and we headed up this big hill. Calton Hill, I was just informed. It gave a delightful little view of Edinburgh, and Pat, in all of his glory, timed our journey right for sunset. Excellent photo opportunity!!! I tell you, this guy is good.

From there we came home and watched cute children on the train get chatted up my drunken old men. I've started to get this weird cold type thing, so bedtime was nice and early.

Patrick also sang alot of weird old scottish folk songs. They made me want to punch him in the face. Guess what he's singing right now? "Gooooooooo Lasssieeeeee gooooooooooo......"

He is too Scottish for his own good.

Oh, we also listened to his sister Annie on her radio show. [Psst, secret time: I think I like Annie more than Patrick. She's much funnier, and so far, she hasn't sang any horrifying songs.]

Today is hang about day. We're going to be delightfully lazy. Well, I am going to be delightfully lazy. Patrick? When is he not? :P

Lovies to all you guys! I promise to get the pictures figured out today. Promise!

love, nicole 12:56 p.m.

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