

So after I praised Spain in all of it's glory, dick decided to rain today! PFFT! What, did it think my love was unconditional or something?? Shut your face off, Spain, and get back to being sunny.


I forgot to tell you guys one thing. It's something that might make me look retarded, but that's okay. I think I've already proven that little bit in the past, and we're all friends here, right?


I didn't know Spain had parrots.

Do YOU know Spain had parrots??

Allow me to make that question look a little bit more Spainish:

��Did you k�ow Spai� had PARROTS????

Shit man, Parrots make my life!

I had a whole long love letter planned for the parrots, but since the rain and my again increasing illness have dampened my spirits, I cancel that and only bring you the brilliant picture of parrots by the sagrada familia, care of Patrick McGuire. Phew, longest sentence ever.


Can you ask for anything more out of life?? ��REALLY??

I can't really remember what else I was going to tell you about in my journal, but I swear to gosh that I had a reason for updating it. The parrots have simply rendered me speechless.


So I went against Patrick's pleas and my own reason and cut my hair today.

Ugh huh, I did!

And it might be slightly mullety tomorrow, I don't know, but so far today it's looking fabulous! Like I might rethink this whole fine arts gig and go into hairdressing. It's not that much different, but it has created a beautiful hair day, atleast for today.

Sing and be happy, my childs. The rain is here but spirits are still high.

Damn, I'm seriously hot today. I look good in Southern Spain, too. TRUST ME.

OKay, I'm really just talking shit because I can't remember the real reason I was updating. I'm sorry to dissapoint, I suck alot, and check out the last entry for somethign spectacular.


love, nicole 2:33 p.m.

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