
The Adventure Series!

Hey Everyone!

Well, do we ever have alot of catching up to do!

Adventure Part 1

After my last entry, I went to Vattican City.

I know my parents, particularly my Dad, is sick of hearing this story, so feel free to skip it. It was just so cool!

Anyways! So I was with Penny, the lady I met in Terni, who is actually from Alberta. We got into this odd, huge line outside St. Peter's square to get in. After about 40 minutes, we noticed that it was all groups and the line wasn't moving at all.... and everyone.... EVERYONE..... had these little blue card/ticket things. So I asked one girl if I could read it, and using my laws of deduction and excellent Italian language skills, I discovered that what was actually going on was a special, huge celebration and festival for children of Italy that had had their first communion. It was all the kids and their families, having come to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. Because everyone has tickets and it was probably almost 35 degrees, we decided that we would go and check out the Sistine Chapel and musuem.


My little heart was feeling so defeated!!

We went to the exit of the museum and took extremely disappointed face pictures of ourselves outside it. To mend my wounds-- after all, I had come to Rome nearly all for Vattican City-- we got ourselves some gelato (lemon and mint).

We kinda thought that we would go and see what the situation was like outside the square again while we ate our gelati and replanned our day.

The place was packed, over 250, 000 people, and I really wanted a picture. I walked up to the security gates with my camera, and the police officer outside the metal detector looked at me and smiled and just said, 'Well, are you going?' He had been asking everyone for their tickets, but apparently, he just assumed I had one. I looked back and Penny and just kinda smiled, and in we went!

It was so overwelming to walk in and be surrounded by those massive arms of the square, but the amount of people and spirit there was just amazing. There were kids singing together in the crowd, everyone was hot and sticky and excited to be there.

After about an hour of standing in the square and getting everyone settled and the like, these great celebrations started. Singing, ballet, dance, pop stars, lots of music, everything. The kids were just going crazy, and their families alike. I can't even discribe the air in there, it was so cool. So then, after about an hour, the Pope came out in his Popemobile (the open air one).

He drove around throughout the crowds for about 45 minutes, and then-so cool- there was a full mass with the Pope, lead by bishops and the like. The Pope stayed for the whole thing and after mass, he gave a blessing to everyone in the crowd. After that, about 15 kids that had had their first communion got to go and read a little letter and ask the Pope questions about their communion, which the Pope answered and hugged and talked to them.

It was very amazing, a total once in a lifetime experience. We were actually only about 300 feet away from the Pope while mass was going on, and there were just huge TV screens and everything... it was surreal. It was the coolest experience, the spirit in there was just... man, everyone was singing together to the Pope. Amazing. I think that if you weren't religious the happiness of everyone in there, and to just be in the same presence as someone like the Pope would still be out of control awesome.

Adventure Part 2

So, after the Vattican adventure I went back to my medeval town and packed up to leave for the next day. I took a train from Terni to Rome, and then from Rome, I had to book a reservation for a train to La Spezia.

I go up to the ticket office and book this train, all is well. I pay 2 Euro and go on my way.

I get to the train and I look at my seat...

Car 003, Seat 55.


I look at the train. Car 003 is First Class. That can't be right. I have a second class ticket, and I was only charged 2 euro.

This has got to be wrong.

I walk on the train and decide to take my assigned seat until the ticket guy comes to kick me out and tell me I'm in the wrong place.

I walk in the car, and because it's a high speed expensive train, it was unreal. Across the width of the train ,there was only two seats. So like, I pretty much had a reclining couch to myself. And a table. And a power outlet. And the chair was so comfy. And the baggage rack had so much room. And life was just... soo..... HAPPY. I was joyous.

Then the ticket guy came.

Not. One. Word.

The moral of this story is:

I paid 2 dollars for a first class 5 hour train ride and lived a life of absolute luxury.


Adventure Part 3

Once I got into Levanto, I had another just breathtaking beautiful day for weather. It was so hot and lovely! I got back to the hostel and checked in, where I met this cool Austrailian guy named Andrew. Immediately we hit it off and started making fun of eachother, and in English, too, which was even better. I liked the chance to be funny again. Haha.

So I went out for this fancy dinner in Levanto with the guy named Rowan and this woman named Kai, both of whom were staying at the hostel alone. He was from the Philipines and she from New Zealand, so it was cool to talk to them and enjoy a really good meal. I mean, I'm talking I had veal and a huge salad and stuff. Delicious! And white wine! All out, I'm telling you.

So we got back to the hostel and Andrew was back from the beach. We started talking and more hilarity ensued. Alot of Canadian and Australian mockery occured, and he and I ended up staying up until 4am this morning talking. We hit it off immediately, so by the time this morning rolled around we were like old friends. We went out for breakfast this morning and it was a delight.

I had this really squeaky bed last night, and apparently everytime I breathed as I slept, the bed would squeak and it sounded like someone was having very rhythmical sex for the entire night. AWESOME.

So today has been good, although the sunny weather is leaving. Shit, seriously. Apparently, Andrew has had three rainy days in SIX WEEKS. He's mister sunshine and I'm like a black little rain cloud. I'm so jealous. I'm praying that somehow the universe has switched our respective curses at the union of the two of us, and from now on, I shall be covered in sunshine while he soaks around in the rain.

Oh, by the way, he's driving around on a vespa he bought and just touring Europe. I've decided that next time, that will also be my technique. I REALLY miss driving. Even while in first class trains, it's just not the same.

Today is laundry day and I couldn't be happier. Absolutly fabulous. I cannot wait to have a completely clean wardrobe. It will bring so much joy to my life it won't even be funny. I think tomorrow I will hike the first three towns of Cinque Terra, which is apparently quite a trek, but it will give me something to do. After that, I'll do the last two. And then, from there, I start a whirlwind little adventure I think. I'm going to do about a week staying each night in a different city. We'll see how that goes.

So, all in all, I'm absolutly happy, things have improved so much from Modena, and I'm just happy to be travelling and experiencing and meeting great people. This last few days I've met just a great assortment of funny people to surround myself with. It's made for some really nice company. Yesterday, I'd like to let it be known, was the first Sunday I hadn't gone to church since I've been gone. Seriously you guys, I'm like a freakin' nun.

Something like 15 days until Barcelona!

Excitement abounds!

I hope you're all happy and healthy you guys. Stay safe and all that jazz, I miss you guys lots and love you all!

Have a relaxing week like I'm going to, okay?

Also, the next entry... I might make it purely about food. Thats right. GET EXCITED FOLKS!


love, nicole 10:45 a.m.

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