
It's Started!

Well, She's finally arrived!!

Okay, actually, I got here not today, at 11am, but I just didn't have updating journal time. Allow me to tell you more....

I left Tuesday at 9am from Castlegar--tears from all parties! Thats right bitches, people love me enough to cry! JEALOUS?

Ha, so, anyways. The flight to Vancouver was fabulous, but we only started boarding the plane a full hour after we were supposed to take off. Gah! With my 50 minutes between flights in Amsterdam, Our Little Nik was flightly stress city. I sat next to this older Iranian man on the Van-to-Amsterdam flight, and he was great :D Like a little A[Insert Nasim's last name because I can't spell it to save my life]. He was very smart, and gave me plenty of advice on life, and travel, too. Haha. That man has officially lived everywhere. He deserves a high five.

The only thing I could think of as we were flying over the UK was, "Please. Can't they just drop me off here? It would save me over two hours in the plane. PLEASE. PLEASE MAN PLANE SERVANT! PARACHUTE! NOW!"

9 hours later, With ten minutes left in Amsterdam to catch my flight, I ran my little legs off to my [hidden!] gate... to arrive and have my ticket rejected.

Why, might you ask?

Because they didn't have my luggage!!!


I was not impressed. I had two choices. She could bus me to my plane and claim my luggage in Glasgow, or, I could choose to fly with my luggage. I chose the luggage.

I ended up arriving a couple hours later, but, I'm happy to announce it was worth it. All in all, it wasn't anything TOO disastrous!

My 'Tour Guide' P picked me up and we headed back to his house. I'd like to let it be known that it was beautiful weather everywhere BUT Glasgow. Not even joking. I flew over everywhere, being able to see everything, only to find myself in the UK on one of the unsunniest days. They must not have known I was arriving.

I had a little nap... okay, I passed out the second I hit the bed. I woke up a couple hours later, and we decided to go on a little adventure to Loch Lomond, about an hour away.

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy, making it officially the worst hair day of all time. First I had 23 hours flight hair, and then Walking-Around-In-The-Rain-For-A-Few-Hours hair. I'm telling you these details so you can all live vicariously through me. Suckers.

After some more rain and a little dinner, we headed home, where I lasted... Oh, not even an hour before falling asleep. Not because I was tired, just because P was boring... Joking, Joking. Our Dear Scot is actually just plain awesome and lots of fun. For all of you eagarly awaiting such information.

Things are simply great, I slept like a rock last night and so far this morning I've just been hanging around. (I'm not even jet lagged!) My Scottish Counterpart is away for the day, so I've just wandered around for a bit in town, and lazed around like a big bum.

Awesome Fact: They tried to deliver my EuRail pass today, and they called the house... And I didn't know it was, infact, the phone ringing. Yes.

I am, infact, completely retarded.

Hope you guys are all fantastic and well! Things here are pretty surreal... It doesn't quite feel like I'll be gone for a long time, or that I'm actually in Scotland, on the first leg of my trip. Weird!

Lovies, and sorry for the horribly awful entry. The next one will be better. Promise!

(ps- i SERIOUSLY miss everyone already.)

love, nicole 1:52 p.m.

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