
Part One Of The One You've Been Waiting For.

"Starve a fever, feed a cold"
"Feed a fever, starve a cold."

Can someone please tell me which one it is, and what the heck it actually means? That would be fantastic. Thank you.

So it-s been a long time since I-ve updated, but to be totally honest I just haven-t had the energy. I-ve turned into a lizard pretty much, my skin is scaly and i think that I will eventually begin to wrinkle up like a prune or someone being sucked into a super sweet vaccum vortex. Something like that. I also appear to be cooking from the inside out, which is really confusing my body and I get these weird goosebumps on my skin when if you were to touch me, I-m hotter than FIYA. In translation, that last word was fire, I-m mad dehydrated and I-ve had a really high fever for over 6 days.

I now bring you a very condensed version of my last week, but to be totally honest, aside from the aquarium, you haven-t missed a whole lot. To make things interesting, I would give you a detailed diary of my poo, vomit and fever levels, but I think thats just better kept unsaid. I mean, I know you guys are all dying to know this kind of stuff, but for the sake of our friendships, I just think that we should leave it here.

San Sebastian, Day 2:

Walked along the coast, adventured into town, things were fabulous. It was really rainy and wet, but my spirits were high. I was sucessfully falling in love with San Sebastian. I checked out the big Jesus statue, went to the AQUARIUM (with jellyfish and a shark tunnel and the world's most active octapus and australian crayfish and starfish and lots of eels!!!!!) and then wandered back to the hostel to discover that the guy who was staying in my room was actually a marine biologist (fish farmer, in particular... we're pretty much soulmates) and ALSO that the beautiful people that ran the hostel had decided to make us all paella for dinner, for all the people that were staying there. I spent about two hours getting SO excited and learning about fish from Yanni... while EATING fish!


San Sebastian, Day 3:

The fever sets in like the sun at night, casting a dark shadow over the land of me. After an unexplained pass out the Aussies (amy and yanni, the two who have been travelling for 2 years) took me to the hospital.


Worst hotel ever. Worst directions ever. Rain. Lost. Really sick. High fever. Longest day of all time. And they decided not to have my hostel reservation so I had to pay extra money for an even shittier room.

Then it rained. A lot. And I was probably the worst of feverish to date. And I hated life. A lot. And I watched ALOT of MTV in French. And I went to a pharmacist, but didn't reallyunderstand her.

Leaving Bordeaux to Barcelona:

It got incredibly beautiful, I fell asleep on the train and had a dream about George Clooney where I THINK we were about ready to get some kind of party started, which is gross, and it took me over 10 hours to get here...BUT. I SAW PINK FLAMINGOES!

I don't know if you guys are familiar with my top ten list of animals, but i have to say that pink flamingoes would definitely be right up there in the higher numbers. And to see them in real life! Thousands of them in huge flocks! All in a river.....



I didn't. You didn't. I bet France didn't even.

Shit I was so happy. I probably looked like an absolute retard because I was grinning to big that I couldn't even fit my smile in the train. I had to ask the conductor to let me off the train to let my smile subside before we continued on the journey. Really, it happened, I'm not joking.

So then I got into Barcelona and followed, not joking, the worst directions I have ever witnessed in my entire life.

To demonstrate, I will now give you the directions they gave me... and then tell you how to actually get there.

'From the station get off the purple line at Gracia. Walk out of the exit and walk right two blocks and take a left. half a block down you will see number 40 and that is us.'

... they fail to tell you which purple line, as Barcelona has about 4 varying shades of purple lines. Nor what station you should be taking this line from. Oh, and Gracia? Theres about 4 Gracia stops all over town... 3 of them on purple lines, 1 on green. And all those 'right's? They really mean left. Oh, and left? they meant to say right. And half a block? oops, four and a half blocks!

But, I think in order for you to properly appreciate this, you have to realize just where these directions took me two nights ago....

..... okay. This is part 1 for now. The suspence! The mystery! The intrigue! And trust me you guys, you'll really want to check back for the last bit, because shit, I met someone that has sky rocketed to the top of the top five travel people that I've met this trip, due to one incredibly... squashbuckly evening.

That is where I'm leaving that. Be excited. Be very excited.

love, nicole 2:46 p.m.

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